Innovation at its Best

July 22, 2021

5G above the earth in space

Manufacturing companies have been in the midst of a significant shift for the past few years. Because digitization and internet technology continues to evolve, the way we produce products these days has transitioned into what we are now calling the fourth (industrial) revolution.  More specifically, 5G technology will forever change the productivity, and efficiency of the manufacturing business.

Recent Studies

In fact, according to a study by the Manufacturing Institute, over “91% of manufacturers believe 5G connectivity will be important to the overall future of their business.” Furthermore, the study implicates that “56% of manufacturers report they will be testing or using 5G in some capacity within their facilities by the end of 2021 [and that] 91% of manufacturers indicate the speed of 5G deployment will have a positive impact on their ability to compete globally.”

Because manufacturing companies are always looking for new ways to improve operational performance, it is difficult to deny that 5G connectivity will increase the overall optimization of services by manufacturers. At LeClaire Manufacturing, we understand the benefits and realities of this new industrial tool.

What is 5G Connectivity, Really?

Essentially, 5G is another major milestone in communications. Just like voice calls and then text messaging, 5G enhances the connectivity value of communication including the following:

  • Speed
  • Latency
  • Capacity
  • Reliability
  • Handoff of Data
  • Efficiency

Ultimately, when it comes to 5G and the future of manufacturing there are several assurances that this connectivity will impact factory operations positively. For instance, 5G technology will have the ability to track inventory, facility security, and warehouse logistics within their facilities much more efficiently than in past years. In addition, The National Association of Manufacturers states that three-fourths of manufacturers “indicate 5G will also be important to inspection and assembly activities, with seven int en saying packaging and employee training efforts will benefit from the deployment of 5G.”

LeClaire Embraces the Change

In a world that never seems to slow down, manufacturers need to embrace the newer technologies that take them to that next level of service. It is no secret that shifting operations quickly and seamlessly is a huge goal of all manufacturing companies. In fact, technologies like machine learning and robotics will be efficiently updated with the power of 5G technology. There is no doubt that this new industrial revolution will revamp current manufacturing activities and be a catalyst for innovation.


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